Saturday, September 29, 2007


OK I haven't been watching this season, but this kid is amazing!!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Guess the song...

Anybody who can guess this song gets 5 points!!


Varnie: e e e

HINT: Think back to your childhood....

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Same difference

S R I S H D M: o i was just saying how i was eating my granola bar and found this plastic in it
S R I S H D M: sick
dularibeti: gaross...
dularibeti: granola, yuck

Barney the big purple ..............

S R I S H D M: oo purplee
dularibeti: oooooooohhhhhh black
S R I S H D M: lOL
S R I S H D M: u calling me dark?
dularibeti: yup!
dularibeti: :-D
S R I S H D M: well well..your purple and well thats the color of
S R I S H D M: cwap
S R I S H D M: i cant think of anything
S R I S H D M: grapes:-[
S R I S H D M: but i like grapes
S R I S H D M: ah this argument is no good
dularibeti: haha aaw
dularibeti: barney's purple
S R I S H D M: OO!! Purple is the color of Prince's outfits! You're like Prince..! bwahaha
dularibeti: and he's pretty whack
dularibeti: oo i love prince!
S R I S H D M: yeah u fat lil Barney
dularibeti: good one
S R I S H D M: you big elephant
S R I S H D M: hey!
dularibeti: aw i like elephants too
dularibeti: but they're not purple
dularibeti: *scratching head*
S R I S H D M: wait barney is an elephant
dularibeti: ......................
Chris: i'm gonna go brush my incisors and molars and whatever ELSE is in my mouth.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sunita: my computer's still broke :(
Srishti: oye hoy
Srishti: want me to give it a few dollars?
Srishti: bwahahahahah :X

"Yo (big)momma so poopy...."

Chris: i can smell your POOP from here
Chris: you prolly have a landfill of poop in your backyard b/c there's no more room in your toilet b/c you poop so much
Chris: every time i talk to you you either came from or you're going TO the bathroom to poop
Radhi: not EVERY tim
Radhi: time
Radhi: lets not exaggerate
Sunita: and whenshe doesnt mention it
Radhi: its every OTHER time
Sunita: she's probably IN the bathroom
Sunita: and doesnt want to tell us
Radhi: lol
Radhi: ya ya...yall are just jealous of my "regularity"
Radhi: HA!
Chris: for someone who weighs as much as a paperclip, you sure do poop alot
Sunita: haha
Sunita: HAHAHA
Sunita: paperclip
Radhi: hahaha
Sunita: whew!
Radhi: shut the hellup.
Radhi: haha.
Chris: you poop soooo much that you disprove the law of conservation of mass!
Radhi: oh my gosh.
Sunita: lol
Sunita: hahahah
Radhi: chris just became uncool again.
Chris: you create more matter than you take in
Radhi: and there was so much hope.
Radhi: narfnarfnarfnarfnarfnarf
Chris: whatever, go 'contract your lower abdominal muscles' biology nerd

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Reason 2,449,387,729 why I heart Sabine

dularibeti (9:58:59 PM): u rock
SBineOO7 (9:59:32 PM): U DO!
SBineOO7 (9:59:43 PM): if i rock then u boulder
SBineOO7 (9:59:50 PM): heck u everest
dularibeti (9:59:46 PM): hahahahah
SBineOO7 (9:59:52 PM): lollll

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Feigned importance

Chris: i like how on our away messages on yahoo messenger we both set it to show that little red and white sign next to our name showing that we're doing something of significance or importance, yet YOU'RE eating a 'samich' and I'M 'napping'.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Good ole Jessi

dularibeti (10:32:19 PM): maybe we can eat somewhere
dularibeti (10:32:22 PM): i get hungry sometimes
dularibeti (10:32:28 PM): every couple of hours or so
dularibeti (10:32:31 PM): i dont kno bout yall
beatlechic01 (10:32:42 PM): wow, you should get that checked out
beatlechic01 (10:33:01 PM): i wouldnt actually discuss that with people if i was you

I miss them!

One of my favorite SaReGaMaPa performances :)

Sunday, September 09, 2007

I get it from my momma

So my Dad's thinking of switching to Geico for insurance. Just now, he and my mom were talking and I heard Mom ask him, "Did you check Nationwide Insurance?" He replied, "No, are they good?" To which she replied, "Yes! They're on your side!"

Ding Dong Dom

I love this kid... Sabine's nephew Dominic strikes (the doorbell) again! Aww if he giggled like that every time he rang the doorbell, I'd never open the door :)

Saturday, September 08, 2007

It's too late to apologize

Chris: you apologize too much, crutch
Radhi: i know.
Radhi: sorry.

Math and Booze

Buy it here

Too much info

Radhi: i used my pelvic floor muscles to contract my intestinal wall
Radhi: and then
Radhi: ...
Radhi: ploop!
Radhi: success!!!!!!!!

Smelly girllsss smelly girls, what are they feeding you?

After my shower....

Sunita: all cleaannn
Chris: wooo hooooooooooo i could smell you in lubbock! and sometimes there's a horse manure smell that comes downwind from amarillo!
Sunita: LOL!!!
Sunita: i hate you.
Chris: lol
Sunita: yet im still blogging that
Radhi: i dont get it.
Chris: you don't get it b/c you smell too!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Guyana ancestry

If you ever wondered where the heck I'm from, read this article:
A quest to find Guyana ancestors' India links

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Big Momma: lol
Big Momma: ure so cute suni
Big Momma: so excited! about the smileys
Sunita: i wish there was a way we could have smileys in real life
Big Momma: aw
Big Momma: we can!
Big Momma: just smile!
Big Momma: :)
Sunita: ....oh wait... those are called facial expressions
Sunita: lol!
Big Momma: LOL

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

One of the best ones ever.

Chris: i'll talk to you during my break, let them eat cake!

She completes me! lol

Sunita: im listening to paula abdul
Sunita: straight up now telll me do u really wanna love me forevaaaaa
Varnie: o o O