Monday, June 12, 2006


dularibeti: aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
DILLON1383: yes i am on trillina
dularibeti: trillian is everything that is wrong with the WORLLDDDD
DILLON1383: you are officially infected
DILLON1383: boooohahahaah
DILLON1383: i know i read in an article
DILLON1383: that trillian is actually the reason for world hunger
DILLON1383: yet i continue to use it
DILLON1383: *takes a bite out of a burrito*
dularibeti: lol
dularibeti: lololll

1 comment:

Sunita said...

Desai, Ajay A says:
google talk is the best way to communicate with aliens...

Desai, Ajay A says:
or so i've heard

Desai, Ajay A says:
from the aliens...

Desai, Ajay A says:
on google talk.