Sunday, February 19, 2006

Welcome to my world!!


Yeah I dunno what to write.... This was a bad idea--

*Running away*

hehe.. Yes, I'm back on the blog bandwagon.. Let's see how long it'll be before I abandon this blog just like the other ones. So here's the rule of thumb for this blog: If it makes me laugh hysterically or cry uncontrollably, it'll be posted here! Hope you enjoy your stay :) And remember... commenting isnt just a city in China!


Anonymous said...

SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET...dude u rock, this is gonna be greatnessssss

Anonymous said...

HAHA, lol


Sunita said...

Holy moly!!! I already have comments!

Anonymous said...

best of luck with ur blog!!

Anonymous said...

NIce the gay jokes...they're fab-u-lous! Wait...that sounds gay...oh crap!

Anonymous said...

spammidy spam spam spam


Anonymous said...

It looks like a butt...the symbol next to Punnetts name I mean...a hairy one at that! EWWW SUNI STOP BEING POOTY BOOTY DIRTOOTY
...speaking of pooty...GTG! :-P
BUUURPPPP...thas for you SUni!

Anonymous said...

haha I just spelled Punnetts...i mean PUNEET!