Thursday, February 23, 2006

What a crazy head

Pramila: who is on ur blg tomorrow
Sunita: i dunnnooo
Sunita: who do u think it should be
Pramila: did u do one on srish?
Pramila: or radhi?
Pramila: DO ONE ON U
Pramila: and how u met urself
Sunita: hahahah!!!!


monahx said...

Бесполезно искать точки соприкосновенья
Бесполезно шарить, нащупывать точку опоры
Точку сборки нашел под кустом - и на этом спасибо
Я живу в этой точке, я помню, где это было

Anonymous said...

Useless searching is fun

monahx said...

actually it's not uselessly search... it's more of a "it's useless to search"

Sunita said...

vitali stop being a russian spy

monahx said...

it's like asking me to spot eating or something... that what I am:) can't stop

Anonymous said...

It's funny how we have more to say on the comments than on the post. Not one comment related to the post, well maybe except for this one. :) Really though, I laughed at Suni's comment saying "stop being a Russian spy" but I didn't at the post. :-\

Anonymous said...

CS nerds rock!
-from your local Biology student, Rah-digga!

Anonymous said...

i think im gonna leave now...:-\ sigh....0.0.0.
-Radhi ...sad local Bio student