Sunday, February 25, 2007

Stone Mathew

Chris: lol you know you are literally the only person i "lol" with when i talk online
Chris: i honestly can't recall laughing out loud too often with others
Chris: they call me "stone phillips"
Chris: by "they" i mean myself
Chris: and by "stone phillips" i mean stone phillips
Sunita: !! reallyyyyy
Sunita: hHAHAHAHAHAHshdsafkl;sdakfjaweofir
Sunita: hahahahahahahaa
Sunita: LOL
Chris: LOL
Sunita: omgg
Chris: LOL
Chris: lol
Sunita: lolll tears
Sunita: out of eyes
Sunita: omg
Chris: lol


Anonymous said...

lol.... i just started cracking up when i read this again myself. crazy ol' Stoney! I did some research on him and found that he named his son, "STREETER".....yes, that's right.... Streeter Phillips. If only I had a name like that....maybe people would take ME seriously.

Sunita said...

...if only...